1. Purpose
    1. IC 2-2018 instructs ROs on the scope of Unscheduled Inspections and the criteria for selecting ships as well as the NMA’s requirements for reporting the outcome of unscheduled inspections.
  2. Application
    1. IC 2-2018 applies to delegated ships according to annex I or III to the Agreement.
  3. Definitions
    1. Delegated ships: means ships where the RO has a general authorisation (ref. Annex I) or a voluntary authorisation (ref. Annex III) for issuance of the safety certificates regulated by SOLAS Ch. I.
    2. Unscheduled inspection:  Inspection on board Norwegian ships, initiated by NMA or RO itself, to verify compliance with international and national regulations when ships are in operation.
  4. References
    1. Agreement of 1 June 2002 between the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and ROs (the Agreement) sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 3.5.
    2. Annexes I and III to the Agreement.
  5. Background
    1. The Norwegian Act of 16 February 2007 No. 9 on Ship Safety and Security section 43 second paragraph contains provisions for unscheduled inspections on board ships registered in a Norwegian ship register.
    2. Compliance with statutory requirements is a key component in order to attain the overall objectives of the Norwegian administration. As part of executing its strategy, the NMA has increased its focus on risk-based supervision of ships registered in a Norwegian ship register. The ROs’ aligned focus and efforts, inter alia by undertaking unscheduled inspections in this respect, will contribute to establishing and maintaining a high standard of ships registered in Norwegian ship registers.
    3. Unscheduled inspection may take place at any time. Unscheduled inspections shall include inspections of any condition which actually or potentially may compromise the fitness of the ship to proceed to sea without danger to the ship or persons on board, or of a ship presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.
    4. The ship owner or the ship owner’s representative shall assist the RO during unscheduled inspections1.
  6. Repeal
    1. IC 2-2018 on Unscheduled Inspections repeals IC 8-2004 on Unscheduled Inspections
  7. Item
    1. Selection of ships due for an Unscheduled Inspection:
      1. Unscheduled inspections should be carried out annually on approximately 10% of the average number of delegated ships;
      2. When deemed appropriate, unscheduled inspections can be initiated by the surveyor in charge in combination with other services delivered by the classification society;
      3. Selecting ships for unscheduled inspections should be based on the perceived risk profile of the ROs’ portfolio of ships registered in a Norwegian ship register. Ships which evidently are maintained or operated at sub-standard levels, should be prioritised for ROs’ unscheduled inspections.
    2. Scope of unscheduled inspections initiated by RO:
      1. When relevant for delegated ships, the NMA’s annual focus campaign check list will be sent RO, which shall apply and be used during ROs’ unscheduled inspections;
      2. The surveyor shall verify that the ship’s manning and required qualifications as well as relevant operating arrangements comply with the Safe Manning Document;
      3. All statutory certificates shall be verified for their validity;
      4. Any outstanding statutory deficiencies and conditions of class shall be surveyed;
      5. A visual inspection with the scope of either:
        1. an annual general class survey;
        2. the statutory part of a mandatory annual survey;
        3. the annual Load Line Survey, or
        4. items to be surveyed under other statutory certificates.
    3. The scope of unscheduled inspections requested by the NMA will be decided in each separate case.
    4. Reporting in relation to unscheduled inspections:
      1. The scope, the outcome and deficiencies recorded during an unscheduled inspection shall be reported in accordance with the normal practice of the RO for the type of survey carried out;
      2. A report which contains the aggregate number of unscheduled inspections during the preceding year shall be sent annually to the NMA by the end of January;
        1. The report shall contain a summary of vessels surveyed and a short listing of deficiencies or condition of class issued – if any.
    5. Fees for unscheduled inspections:
      1. ROs shall not charge the ship owner fees for unscheduled inspections. RO may charge the ship owner for work carried out as part of additional surveys as a result of deficiencies observed during unscheduled inspections;
      2. Unscheduled inspections requested by the NMA shall be charged to the NMA and incur fees according the NMA’s tariff of fees in force at the time when the unscheduled inspections were carried out.


  1. Ref. the Norwegian Act of 16 February 2007 No. 9 on Ship Safety and Security section 45.