I cannot find my vessel(s) when logging into My vessels

In order for a vessel to be accessible in My vessels, it must be registered in one of the Norwegian Maritime Authority registers, NIS, NOR or BYGG (the Shipbuilding Register).

If not, it/they will not be accessible in My vessels.

The company I work for has registered their vessels in one of the Norwegian Maritime Authority registers. However, these vessels are not listed when I log into My vessels.

In order to gain access to vessels, the role "Transport" must be assigned to you on behalf of the company you work for.

Once you have been assigned this role, you will have access to the vessels registered by the company at the Norwegian Maritime Authority on the same terms as the owner.

Why do I need to have the "Transport" role?

Companies or individuals own the vessels. It is also the owners who decide who shall have access to information about their vessels on My vessels.

If you need access to vessels in the same way as the owner, the "Transport" role must be assigned to you on behalf of the company or the individual person.  

How can I get the "Transport" role assigned to me?

Contact a person listed as owner of the vessel you want access to. He or she should be able to give you access.

More information can be found at the Altinn webpage. 

Who will get the "Transport" role automatically assigned in Altinn?

The following individuals will get the "Transport" role pre-assigned in Altinn:

  • Managing shipowner
  • General manager / Managing director
  • Partner with full/joint liability (national identity number)
  • Owner
  • Contact person NUF
  • Norwegian representative (of foreign entity)
  • Chairman of the board

Is the Norwegian Maritime Authority authorised to give me access to vessels?

No. Only the owner or individuals assigned by the owner may give access to vessels.

Do I need to have the Transport role to get access to my vessels?

No. It is possible to give access to individual vessels on My vessels.
Click to see the user manual

I have previously had access to vessels in the Portal for the shipping industry, but I cannot find these in My Vessels

In the Portal for the shipping industry, the Norwegian Maritime Directorate gave each user access to vessels.

In My Vessels we have now moved the access control for the vessels to where it belongs, namely with the owner.

If you do not see any vessels when you log in, you are not registered as the owner of the vessel. You must therefore request that the owner gives you access to the vessel.

You can read more about access management i My Vessels here.

My company has a vessel under construction, but I do not see this in My Vessels

When a vessel is under construction, the yard is registered as the owner of the vessel until it is delivered to the the one who ordered the vessel.

Since it is the Yard that owns the vessel, they are also those who control who has access to the vessel in My Vessels.

If you want access to the vessel, you must contact the shipyard so that they can give you access.

You can read more about access management in My Vessels here.