1. The requirements for the World Heritage fjords include special provisions regarding the discharge of sewage and grey water into the World Heritage fjords, cf. section 10a of the Regulations of 30 May 2012 No. 488 on environmental safety for ships and mobile offshore units (Environmental Safety Regulations).

2. For operations in the World Heritage fjords, the following special requirements apply:

2.1. a prohibition against the discharge of sewage and grey water (section 10a);

2.2. stricter requirements for SOx emissions and a prohibition against the use of open-loop scrubbers (section 14b);

2.3. stricter requirements for NOx emissions (section 14c);

2.4. a requirement to carry an environmental instruction, specifically developed and implemented for operations in the World Heritage fjords (section 14d); and

2.5. a prohibition against incineration of waste on board ships in the World Heritage fjords (section 14e).

3. According to new section 14d of the Environmental Safety Regulations, ships of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards operating in the World Heritage fjords must carry an environmental instruction that specifically describes the measures to ensure compliance with the requirements for operations in the World Heritage fjords.

4. The environmental instruction should identify and specify actions to be performed by the shipping company or the ship management to ensure environmentally friendly operation. This involves technical and operational measures and crew awareness training.

5. Verification of the status of technical systems and documentation of specific operational issues and procedures relevant for voyages in the World Heritage fjords are necessary to demonstrate compliance with the requirements for operating in these fjords.

6. The environmental instruction should, at a minimum, cover the issues outlined in attachment I to these guidelines.

See table in the PDF file.