Update of MARSEC-/ISPS-security levels
The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) is constantly monitoring potential global threats. This enables us to act fast in response to changes requiring a new evaluation of the security level on Norwegian ships.
The NMA has been delegated the authority to lay down the security level for Norwegian-flagged ships sailing in high-risk areas internationally. The evaluations are carried out in close cooperation with the contingency planning department at the Norwegian Shipowners' Association, which is also responsible for assisting shipping companies in the event of a crisis Contingency planning | the Norwegian Shipowners' Association.
Examples of areas with a raised security level, MARSEC/ISPS level, are the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Gulf of Aden and the Gulf of Guinea.
Some of these areas have had a raised level for a long time. The levels and areas are, however, considered regularly based on reliable sources of information.
The Norwegian Maritime Authority is constantly monitoring potential global threats. This enables us to act fast in response to changes requiring a new evaluation of the security level on Norwegian ships.
All ships planning to sail and operate in areas with a raised securiy level are requested to carry out suitable risk assessments and ensure that they have an updated and relevat ship security plan (SSP). Please also see our updated website for applicable security levels and recommendations.