Due to limited helicopter service in the North Sea basin, and pending a result of the ongoing investigation connected to the Super-Puma accident in October 2012, the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) has decided to deviate from REG 1987-06-15 No. 506 concerning survey for the issue of certificates to passenger ships, cargo ships and lighters, and concerning other surveys, etc, cf. § 4. This means that the NMA accepts that Norwegian cargo vessels carries more than 12 passengers provided the following conditions are met:

  1. For transportation to/from Norwegian shelves and Norwegian ports the vessels must be registered in the Norwegian Ordinary Ship Register (NOR).
  2. The total number of persons on board shall not exceed the number given in the vessel’s Safety Equipment Certificate.
  3. If the time for the voyage exceeds 12 hours, there shall be sufficient cabin facilities for every person on board.
  4. The vessels FRC shall be ready for immediate use at all times.
  5. All personnel involved shall have completed a valid safety course.
  6. Appropriate ship familiarization shall be given to involved personnel and an emergency drill shall be carried out before departure.
  7. Affected trade unions and safety representatives shall be consulted before the transfer operation.
  8. The operation shall be clarified with relevant authorities, i.e. Petroleum Safety Authority.
  9. The following applies for transfer of personnel between installation and vessel, and vice versa:
    1. The transfer shall be carried out in daylight and under weather conditions where a safe transfer can be carried out.
    2. A Safe Job Analysis shall be carried out for each operation, cf. Petroleum Safety Authority regulations.
    3. Instructions and procedures for transfer shall be implemented in the vessel`s Safety Management System.
    4. Transfer shall be made with lifting appliance certified according to applicable regulations and standards. The operation shall in each case be evaluated and approved by the offshore installation manager and the vessel`s captain.
    5. The ship shall not carry deck cargo during transfer. Any loose equipment on deck shall be properly secured before transfer commences.
    6. Personnel being transferred shall be wearing survival suits. 


Norwegian vessels in foreign waters

Regarding transportation to/from foreign shelf acceptance must be obtained by Port State Administration.

Norwegian flagged vessels are allowed to operate in UK waters in accordance with letter issued by the MCA on

20 December 2012 with heading "Carriage of Offshore Workers during Current outage of Super-Puma Aircraft – further Extension".


Foreign Administration Exemptions

The NMA will accept foreign flagged vessels operating in Norwegian waters under the same conditions set out in this letter, provided that that the vessel hold an acceptance by the vessel flag administration.


This letter expires when grounded helicopters are in normal operation and in any case 31 May 2013.


Copy of this letter shall be kept on board